Sunday, October 30, 2016

Wollstonecraft, Kozol, and Woodson

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1) Define the phrase "pernicious effects" on the basis of what is stated in the essay.

Wollstonecraft addresses behavior and reputation and how they can undermine a woman's morality. Woman are taught very early to develop artificial behavior and to not exercise their minds. She also states that the discrimination women face is redundant. She argues how women can make their own money and support themselves. 

2) Is it possible to compare women with property on the basis of this essay?

Yes, it is possible to compare women with property on the basis of this essay.

3) Clarify in what way the “unnatural distinctions” affecting women in society cause them to behave as Wollstonecraft says they do. Do you feel it is a genuine cause-and-effect relationship?

Wollstonecraft observed how women were irrational and only concerned themselves with trivial things like fashion. She was extremely critical of the stereotypical femininity of women. She also observed how women manipulated men to their liking and so she referred to them as "capricious tyrants." However, she saw this as an act of poor education and not as the true nature of women. In her view, women do not behave rationally because they are not educated properly. And I also believe it is a genuine cause-and-effect relationship.

4)  Describe Diversity in Schools according to Kozol and what your definition would be.

Kozol believes diversity is over looked and not taught at school. He states how diversity is based on a student's wealth placement and race. My definition of diversity is when people are different based on race, ethics and religion.

5) What does Woodson mean by mis-education?

Mis-education as Woodson describes it is the false teaching of teachers when presenting African American history and when teaching African Americans. He believes they are supplying them with false and inaccurate information.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Montessori and Dewey

Image result for What is the basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori?

1) What is the basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori? 

Montessori's basis of scientific pedagogy is centered around children based on scientific observations of the child from birth to adulthood.

2) How does school furniture affect the education of the child?

Montessori saw that it was essential for the children's successful development to have an environment all about them. She realized that children rely on the environment for the sensory impressions which they gained a sense of the world. And so she made all the furniture child-sized in order for it to be easily accessible to the child and make it feel like it belonged to them.

3) What effect does freedom have on the education of the child?

Freedom has a huge effect on the education of the child. Montessori wanted to create a learning environment that accommodated choice and so the child needed to have freedom. There are parts of the room where it was spacious enough for the children to do what they wanted to do and not be constricted. There are places where a student could be alone if they wanted to as well. Also in a Montessori classroom the children could work on a table or the floor so they could define their own work space. Montessori believed a child must be free to explore and follow their own natural impulses so they could develop their potential and increase their knowledge. 

Image result for What does Dewey seem to mean by the expression "thinking in education"?

1) What does Dewey seem to mean by the expression "thinking in education"?

Dewey believed that thinking is a critical aspect of education. He stresses that an important part of thinking is having experiences, such as hands on learning.

2) What conditions must exist for the student to use thinking in education?

IN order for students to use thinking in education the information and lessons need to be interesting and include hands on activities. The student also needs to use thinking and their cognitive and analytical skills to solve problems. 

3) What seems to be the best process of education, according to Dewey?

Dewey supports social and interactive processes in learning. These processes should contain constant activities and lessons that are interesting to the student. Critical thinking also needs to be involved so the brain is stimulated and the student uses problem solving skills and observation. The student should also test the solution they found in order to fully understand the meaning.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Adam Smith

1) How would you defend Smith’s views as expressed in this essay? In what sense is he right in establishing the “natural progress of opulence” as you observe it yourself? He describes the world as he knows it in his own time and then imagines how it might have become that way. How well does he satisfy your curiosity about the way in which nations grow rich?
Image result for adam smith
Adam Smith is right because to bring wealth to a civilization, the country should hold more priority than the city since without the materials from the country. the town cannot thrive. He does a good job in satisfying my curiosity about the way a nation grows.

2. Smith places a great deal of faith in the value of land for maintaining wealth. Since most people today, including wealthy people, do not necessarily see their wealth in terms of land, what in our time might substitute for land? What would a wealthy person interpret as a secure or conservative capital investment?

In today's world people are not interested in investing in land they are more interested in investing in stock. By investing in stock a person can control the company's stock and make economic decisions for that company.
Image result for stock in usa
3. Argue in favor of or in opposition to Smith’s statement in paragraph 8: “According to the natural course of things, therefore, the greater part of the capital of every growing society is, first, directed to agriculture, afterwards to manufactures, and last of all to foreign commerce.” Because in the early 2000s the United States is in the midst of a “new economy,” this statement will need to be examined closely and augmented. How would you continue the “evolution” that Smith observed?

Smith is right when he states how the greater part of the capital is first directed towards agriculture because we depend on agriculture for food and for production. Without production our economy would be hurting. However, in today's world trade with foreign countries is a must have. Many things they produce are not at the same price and rate as the U.S. Foreign countries provide us with Petroleum, cars, helicopters, vehicle parts and many more so they are indeed an important part of our "evolution."

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Galbraith & Reich

One of Galbraith’s most basic premises is that America is now an affluent society. Examine indetail the society that you know for the purposes of validating or contradicting that assertion. IsAmerica an affluent society? What are the signs of affluence? What qualifies as affluence? Whatare the results of affluence?

Galbraith states that an affluent society is one that "prevents parents from passing on poverty to their children." Using this concept,  America at times can be considered affluent, but in most cases we are not. There are thousands of people who are unemployed and homeless and our country is in debt. Not every parent can pass on wealth to their children and if they do not all the time will it keep their children out of poverty. 
Some signs of affluence could be the amount of money spent on skyscrapers and homes. What qualifies as affluence I believe is money and power. And the results of affluence are developed cities and technology, developed military force, and many other things.
To what extent is it the government’s responsibility to provide jobs to people who would otherwise not be able to get them? For example, should the government provide jobs for routine workers if their opportunities dry up? What arguments favor or oppose such a proposal?

The government does not take a very strong responsibility when it comes to providing people with jobs who cannot obtain them. And I believe it depends on the situation if the government should help or not. For example, there are so many veterans who are living on the streets because they cannot get a job and this is one of the cases where the government should get involved and do everything they can to help that person find work. Some people might argue in favor of the government becoming more involved because they are out of work and having trouble finding a new job. Some people might argue against the government getting involved because there are people out of work who did not work hard enough like others did and so people believe that those who don't work hard shouldn't get help when it comes to finding a job.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Blog 6

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What is the economic condition of the bourgeois? What is the economic condition of the proletariat?

Bourgeois: Rooted in the ideas of feudal society and a symbol of oppression. Reflects the desires of a segment of the bourgeois to redress social grievances, in order to guarantee the continued existence of bourgeois society. Bourgeoisie believe that the best society is the society in which they have power; they want the proletariat to keep its weak role, but to stop hating the dominant bourgeoisie. They want the advantages of the social conditions generated by Modern Industry, without the struggles and dangers that necessarily accompany them. Considered upper class.

Proletariat: Believed to have developed the industry and the direct cause of mass production. Believed that it was the people in the Proletariat group's responsibility to form trade unions for their representation against the Bourgeois. Considered middle/lower class. Examples are "old workers, children, women, small tradespeople, and those with specialized skills."

How does the expanding world market for goods affect national identity?

Marx states that specialized jobs make the economy highly efficient. He believed that creating more of these jobs through unions would lead to an economic boom. He also states that "by improving the means of production and communication, the bourgeoisie has forced the world into its own mold."

What benefits does Marx expect communism to provide the proletariat?

Communism provides the proletariat by overthrowing the bourgeoisies. They don’t take away the workers or anyone’s freedom, only the bourgeoisie system. It brings proletariats closer to the same level as the bourgeoisies.

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Carnegie ends his essay by saying that he thought that obeying the dictates of his Gospel of Wealth would someday solve the problem of the rich and the poor and bring “Peace on earth, among men Good-Will” (para. 24). Do you think that wealthy people should follow Carnegie’s example? Bill Gates, who recently quoted from Carnegie’s essay, has left his post at Microsoft and is devoting himself to giving away his wealth through his foundation. Do you feel such activity will “solve the problem of the Rich and the Poor” (para. 24)?

I believe that the Rich should follow Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth and Bill Gates example. But I do not believe that such activity will "solve the problem of the Rich and the Poor." Following their example will surely help to some degree but it is not the solution to solve this problem.