Saturday, October 22, 2016

Montessori and Dewey

Image result for What is the basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori?

1) What is the basis of scientific pedagogy for Montessori? 

Montessori's basis of scientific pedagogy is centered around children based on scientific observations of the child from birth to adulthood.

2) How does school furniture affect the education of the child?

Montessori saw that it was essential for the children's successful development to have an environment all about them. She realized that children rely on the environment for the sensory impressions which they gained a sense of the world. And so she made all the furniture child-sized in order for it to be easily accessible to the child and make it feel like it belonged to them.

3) What effect does freedom have on the education of the child?

Freedom has a huge effect on the education of the child. Montessori wanted to create a learning environment that accommodated choice and so the child needed to have freedom. There are parts of the room where it was spacious enough for the children to do what they wanted to do and not be constricted. There are places where a student could be alone if they wanted to as well. Also in a Montessori classroom the children could work on a table or the floor so they could define their own work space. Montessori believed a child must be free to explore and follow their own natural impulses so they could develop their potential and increase their knowledge. 

Image result for What does Dewey seem to mean by the expression "thinking in education"?

1) What does Dewey seem to mean by the expression "thinking in education"?

Dewey believed that thinking is a critical aspect of education. He stresses that an important part of thinking is having experiences, such as hands on learning.

2) What conditions must exist for the student to use thinking in education?

IN order for students to use thinking in education the information and lessons need to be interesting and include hands on activities. The student also needs to use thinking and their cognitive and analytical skills to solve problems. 

3) What seems to be the best process of education, according to Dewey?

Dewey supports social and interactive processes in learning. These processes should contain constant activities and lessons that are interesting to the student. Critical thinking also needs to be involved so the brain is stimulated and the student uses problem solving skills and observation. The student should also test the solution they found in order to fully understand the meaning.

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