Sunday, October 2, 2016

Blog 6

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What is the economic condition of the bourgeois? What is the economic condition of the proletariat?

Bourgeois: Rooted in the ideas of feudal society and a symbol of oppression. Reflects the desires of a segment of the bourgeois to redress social grievances, in order to guarantee the continued existence of bourgeois society. Bourgeoisie believe that the best society is the society in which they have power; they want the proletariat to keep its weak role, but to stop hating the dominant bourgeoisie. They want the advantages of the social conditions generated by Modern Industry, without the struggles and dangers that necessarily accompany them. Considered upper class.

Proletariat: Believed to have developed the industry and the direct cause of mass production. Believed that it was the people in the Proletariat group's responsibility to form trade unions for their representation against the Bourgeois. Considered middle/lower class. Examples are "old workers, children, women, small tradespeople, and those with specialized skills."

How does the expanding world market for goods affect national identity?

Marx states that specialized jobs make the economy highly efficient. He believed that creating more of these jobs through unions would lead to an economic boom. He also states that "by improving the means of production and communication, the bourgeoisie has forced the world into its own mold."

What benefits does Marx expect communism to provide the proletariat?

Communism provides the proletariat by overthrowing the bourgeoisies. They don’t take away the workers or anyone’s freedom, only the bourgeoisie system. It brings proletariats closer to the same level as the bourgeoisies.

Image result for carnegie

Carnegie ends his essay by saying that he thought that obeying the dictates of his Gospel of Wealth would someday solve the problem of the rich and the poor and bring “Peace on earth, among men Good-Will” (para. 24). Do you think that wealthy people should follow Carnegie’s example? Bill Gates, who recently quoted from Carnegie’s essay, has left his post at Microsoft and is devoting himself to giving away his wealth through his foundation. Do you feel such activity will “solve the problem of the Rich and the Poor” (para. 24)?

I believe that the Rich should follow Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth and Bill Gates example. But I do not believe that such activity will "solve the problem of the Rich and the Poor." Following their example will surely help to some degree but it is not the solution to solve this problem.

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